WarnMe Test on Jan. 29 To Introduce New Feature

Notification System Will Post Messages to New Webpage

The campus will introduce a new feature of WarnMe when it tests the emergency notification system at noon Wednesday, Jan. 29.

WarnMe and Aggie Alert messages distributed by text and email will now also be posted to a new webpage with links to existing sources of information and resources helpful in an emergency. These include the campus News & Information page, chancellor and provost’s messages, information about campus safety and emergency services, and more.

Emergency officials encourage employees and students to add to the WarnMe system their personal email addresses and mobile numbers — up to a total of five for each contact method —and keep them up to date.

WarnMe messages provide information and directions regarding emergencies that pose an immediate threat to life and safety. Aggie Alert messages, sent using the same system and contact information, provide notification about events on and around Davis campus facilities that may cause disruption to normal activities.

WarnMe and Aggie Alert messages can be sent by email and text to those who have a ucdavis.edu email address. Messages may also be posted to the Everbridge Mobile App and UC Davis’ official X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook accounts.

More on new webpage

Benton Best, campus emergency manager, said the new webpage is an important enhancement to the emergency notification system, especially for the extended UC Davis community including parents, vendors, visitors and alumni.

The webpage enables anyone, including non-subscribing members of the public and text-only subscribers to the emergency notification system, to view the content of both text and email messages. Emails may contain more information because they do not have the character limitations of text messages.

“Critical safety information, actions to take and updates can be made immediately available and accessible, not only to our entire Aggie family but also to others who want information,” Best said.

Updating WarnMe, other records

Students and others may update their WarnMe contact information by visiting the . Changes students make for the WarnMe system do not update other ԹϺ records; students should also .

Parents, vendors and others without a UC Davis email address can  — which the Davis campus distributes by text — by texting UCDALERTS to 888777.

The Everbridge mobile app, available to those with a UC Davis email address (except accounts associated with UC Davis Health), is an important option for those with international phone numbers, because WarnMe does not send text messages to international numbers. Users can access other features customized to UC Davis.

More about Jan. 29 test

The WarnMe test on Jan. 29, the second of three scheduled during the academic year, will send messages by email and text; and post content to the new webpage, the Everbridge Mobile App, and UC Davis’ official X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook accounts.

The Sacramento campus plans to send its WarnMe test message the same day.

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